Eduard Sachau

Karl Eduard Sachau (20 July 1845 – 1930) was a German orientalist.


Sachau became professor extraordinary 1869 and full professor 1872 at the University of Vienna, and in 1876, professor at the University of Berlin, where he was appointed director of the new Seminar of Oriental languages in 1887. He travelled to the Near East on several occasions. He is especially noteworthy for his work on Syriac and other Aramaic dialects. He was an expert on Al-Biruni and wrote a translation of Kitab al Hind which describes among other things Hindu-Arabic numerals.


"Three Aramaic Papyri from Elephantine, Egypt" in Smithsonian Institution Annual Report (1907): 605-11. [Translated and abstracted, by permission, from "Drei Aramaeische Papyrusurkunden aus Elephantine" by Eduard Sachau in the Abhandlungen der koeniglichen preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften for the year 1907.]